soundtrack of my life

Mental es una de las banda que mas a influenciado mi vida. sin sonar tan trillada me enseño a ver las cosas diferentes. Lo puden encontrar en mi play list en la noche y tambien durante el dia. Me atreveria a decir que sus letras se me hacen bastantes familiares. De sus cuatro discos hay uno en especial que tomo mi atencion instantanemente y ese es Planet Mental. Cada una de esas canciones se resume en pequeños segmentos de mi vida. si pudiera asignarle musica a mi vida estoy segura que mental estaria presente.

Lyrics como Futer waves

time can change me
but i can't change time
some regret mistakes
i've learned from mine.


i've always wondered
and could not understand
how everyone walks around
like they got a plan
when i see this world
i don't see myself in it
like i'm watching myself
from some other planet

not quite a nightmare
not quite a dream
it's like everything that's going on
so separate from me


Better Days

so i'm waiting for better days
coz i know in time
they'll come my way
they say at the end of the tunnel
there's no light
fuck that - my eyes are open wide
i got something, something inside
a spark that keeps me alive

Me asen recordar el momento exacto de mi vida en la cual estos acontecimientos sucitaron.

Pero hay dos canciones que son el play list de esta etapa. y que me hiso recociderar ciertas amistades y estas son.


t's a word that we use
almost every day
most the time we use it
in the wrong way
now you can look the word up
again and again
but the dictionary doesn't know
the meaning of friends

friends - how many of us have them
friends - ones we can depend on
friends - how many of us have them
friends - before we go any further...

if you asked me
i couldn't be much help
a friend is somebody you judge yourself
some are okay
and treat you real cool
some mistake your kindness
for being a fool

friends - how many of us have them
friends - ones we can depend on
friends - how many of us have them
friends - before we go any further...

homeboys through the summer, winter, spring, and fall
then there's some we wish
we never knew at all
the list goes on
again and again
these are the people
that we call friends

Desperate Times

desperate times call for desperate measures
and i can't say that i'm any better
you did wrong but i did you right
you can't break a bond when it's this tight

why must everything good come to an end
there's nothing worse than being let down
by one of your friends
i thought and i thought
and i didn't know what to do
but push came to shove
i'm still your friend
so i stood by you

i put faith in you
and you let me down
for a second i thought
i didn't want you around
but we've all sinned
so who the fuck am i
to not feel right standing by your side

why must everything good come to an end
there's nothing worse than being let down
by one of your friends
i thought and i thought
and i didn't know what to do
but push came to shove
i'm still your friend
so i stood by you

well it takes
more than
well it takes
more than
that for me to turn my back

together forever
that's what we said
why couldn't that of been the voice in your head
together forever
that's what we said
why couldn't that of been the voice in your head

Y que sin duda les hara considerar a ustedes tambien.
bueno sin el alebrestado significado que tiene mental para mi, dejenme decirles que es muy buena banda y que vale la pena escucharlos aqui les dejo la info.

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